Equipment quality

Duolith SD1 Ultra – shock-wave apparatus, with the most innovative and comfortable applicators, is equipped with a Top View touchscreen with updated software, and has several modules. This makes it possible to choose between using the necessary module or combine them together.

Equipment versatility

Duolith SD1 Ultra is the first device that can carry out combination therapy, while not requiring specially equipped rooms. The device is very economical (250 watts), and is able to efficiently and autonomously work from any battery. Universal in connection.

Treatment effectiveness

Duolith SD1 Ultra is the first device that offers comfort on both sides. The device is easy to use for the doctor in the treatment process, and is convenient for the patient. This contributes to more effective procedures, and reduces their number, which means there is a faster recovery.

Level 1

Control module and radial shock wave therapy module + ultrasound + V-actor therapy + Uacu-therapy.

Level 2

The control module and the module of focused shock wave therapy + ultrasound + C-actor therapy.

Level 3

Control module, R-SW module, F-SW module + ultrasound + V-actor therapy + C-actor therapy + Uacu-therapy.